A wise man once said, "Take pics of your feet while you're young because they are the first thing to go downhill as you age." Unkempt feet manifest in the forms of dry skin, calloused soles, brittle, and yellowing toenails just to name a few. Most can attest to the fact that feet are easy to neglect. Good news: You can actually take years off of the look of your feet with very little effort. Simple ways to combat these unsightly issues are easy to incorporate within your daily hygiene routine. ​ For starters, take advantage of the moisture, and absorbency of skin that is fresh out of the shower or bath. Use a pumice stone or other exfoliating tool to scrub away tough, dead skin on the soles of your feet. Next, seal in moisture with a skin nourishing balm such as Mondiah Essentials Total Body Butter by massaging liberally all over your foot, giving extra attention to trouble spots. For extra razzle dazzle, be sure to massage the product into the cuticle and nail bed of your toes. In no time, you may just be astonished at how this sole-saving makeover works for you!
